The Current Normal – Rainy Day Wednesday, so I Just Loafed Around

Tuesday last was beautiful, warm, sunny with blue skies and a light breeze. So, at 8 AM, out I go to do some yard work. Our neighbours have their house up for sale and offered some of their perennial plants, should I want them.

Hell, yeah! I still have bare spots in my back planting beds and really needed to do something to fill them, because every 66 year old retired guy needs more yard work.

Step one was to relocate 7 ferns out of the way on one side of the bird bath to make way for a Bridal Veil spirea. It eventually will mirror a large spirea we have on the other side. For now, it will look a wee bit smaller.

Ferns moved and spirea planted, it was time to transplant numerous lamb’s ear, phlox, hyacinths, etc. There were also some lupin seeds to plant and after seeing how the lupins in a Wanaka NZ church yard spread through the whole South Island, I am being cautious here. Three hours later, I had filled the empty spaces.

After I was finished, I thought, “How the heck do I remember were I stuck all these things when the snow melts next spring?” Photos will help, but my first few weedings will have to be cautious. All being well, I will need to take new photos once they grow a bit. Here are the pix.

Next, it was time to mow the lawn. Funny story!!! If you weed the lawn, fertilize the lawn and if the lawn gets water, it grows and then you have to cut it….twice a week.

Not happy with what I had already accomplished by lunch, I then spent 90 minutes preparing Levain dough for baking the following day, before heading off on a 14 km bike ride.

So, can you blame me for loafing around on a cool rainy Wednesday? My regular getting up time almost coincided with a baker’s hours and the house soon became toasty warm, with the help of a 450 F oven for 4 hours. The best part of all was that we a got to eat the fruits of my labours (French loaf slices for lunch and pizza for supper).

4 overnight brown and 3 French loaves
one partially pre baked cookie sheet size pizza crust, ready for use

22 thoughts on “The Current Normal – Rainy Day Wednesday, so I Just Loafed Around

    1. Yup, Tuesday was crazy busy, but I had to bake bread. It was good luck that Wednesday was so cool, so the house did not heat up from the oven. As to school, are you going or teaching? Is it virtual or in a classroom. Ghost stories? You will be the one to have around the campfire on a spooky night. Stay well Crystal. Allan


      1. Iā€™m a student, and both classes are virtual. We submit assignments online and Zoom once or twice a week. We will gather on campus the first week in August at the end of these courses. Staying well and mostly home for now. I like your glimpse of normal.

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    1. Thanks. It has been a work in progress, since I started feeding Levain Mother and baking in January 2019. I got the Mother from our local French Canadian restaurant in December 2018, when it was 3 years old. So now, it is 4 1/2 years old and getting more vigorous every feed. Next time, I am going to try hot dog and hamburger buns and perhaps some day, cinnamon buns. Only 3 ingredients in this bread, flour, salt and water. WE seldom buy bread these days. Happy baking. Allan

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      1. You are giving me inspiration!!!!! We seldom buy bread either but I havenā€™t thought about making buns!!!! I will have to add that to my list! I have plenty of time these days, thatā€™s for sure!!!

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  1. Oh lord — I have forgotten to feed the starter (again). Yard work never ends does it. I ways take free plant material and then forget what it is. I put stakes in but should really label them.

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    1. Ooopsie. Gotta take care of the Mother. I am now alternating between short and regular feeds, depending on when I need to bake. I do not like to leave the starter in the fridge longer than 30 days. I think I am going to have a lot of tall weeds next spring before I figure out what should and should not be there. Too risky to pull. Will take another set of photos in the late summer and hope that shows it better. Yard work never ends, for sure. Just outside pruning my tomato vines and picking mushrooms. Yay. Thanks for reading Bernie. Allan


    1. Don’t kid yourself, I spend a lot of time on the back deck as well with a cold one (coffee or other). Glad I am still able to keep busy. Hope all is well with you Ann. Allan


  2. Wow, Allan, did you bake that bread? It looks delicious and it made me instantly hungry, but as it’s approaching 9pm, I better keep away from the kitchen šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love your garden and all the tender loving care you put into it! Well done šŸ‘Œ Aiva

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. That is my handiwork. It was actually really good. We are typically whole wheat people, but the white version is to die for, as well. The Mother is made from 50% rye and 50% all purpose, so it is not truly white anyway. Thanks on the garden. Not sure the weeds would agree with you on the tender loving care though. They get the heave ho. Stay well and thanks for reading Aiva. Allan

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    1. You are too kind. The back 4 overnight brown loaves all came from regular loaf pans. The most perfect overnight blonde loaf came from a long loaf pan and the other 2 “”French loaves were made by hand, a far cry from the baguettes I tried to fashion. Each loaf is about a kilo or 36 oz. These brown whales are delicious. Thanks for reading and commenting Chelsea. Allan


    1. Thanks. Both the transplants and the bread worked out well. The rain has perked up all those tiny plants that I worried I had sent to the far beyond. Thanks for reading Lynette. Allan

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    1. Thanks Colleen. Good for now, just waiting to see what survives and thrives. Took three mountain ash trees out of my front border yesterday and transplanted one. Darn pooping birds. Allan


  3. Based on your other baking achievements I can only imagine how good that fresh bread tasted. Never mind the pizza. I’m so jealous!

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    1. My Levain bread was OK when I started, but as the strength of the Mother and my skills increased, we can not imagine eating any other bread. The pizza crust is also to die for. I tend to make 2 or 3 each time I bake, also baguettes and on my next bake hamburger buns. Next time, we are together, I’ll bring some for you to try. Thanks for reading and commenting guys. Pouring rain here today and tomorrow. Enjoying our afternoon flat white coffees right now. Allan


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