The Current Normal – Adrift on Shifting Ground

Another photo cue from our August 26, 2020 bicycle ride. We varied our route a bit and found ourselves next to a Prairie Pothole totally covered with algae. The ducks and coots were bust skimming across the surface which appeared like a green lawn, but was really a very fluid place. It was magical.

Adrift on Shifting Ground

We are all adrift

on constantly shifting ground.

Trying to stay strong.

My beloved has plenty of photos of me in my natural habitat.
Late summer rural beauty
Afloat on a natural salad
The coots love this type of environment. Exercise, dining and toilet all in one.
What? Do I have something stuck in my teeth.
Like a bowl of pea soup.
Wanna race?

6 thoughts on “The Current Normal – Adrift on Shifting Ground

  1. Our neighbors had a lovely pond in rural Latvia where we used to go for a quick dip. Algae was his number one complaint but the ducks didn’t seem to mind it. Nature is the most amazing thing. It surrounds us and affects us everyday. Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend. September is coming to an end and its time to embrace approaching changes. It’s already pitch black when we get up for preschool and mornings are bitter cold 😊 Aiva

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    1. I can’t imagine going for a dip in the pond from my post. Likely get lake itch. Yes, we have algal blooms here on our rare hot summer periods, where the algae is toxic and no swimming is advised. The birds love it, they don’t have to share and they don’t have to wear their swim trunks. Yes we are on the shy side of 12 hours of daylight here right now, but sunny and +20 during the days, so fall is great so far. Stay well Aiva and enjoy your weekend. Allan

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    1. Strangely enough, this one did not. Likely because the whole surface was covered. The other ones that were partly covered were pretty rank, though. Thanks for reading Bernie. Hope you get some time off on the weekend. Allan


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